echo "Please, enter username for postgresql user" read UNAME echo "Please, enter Password for postgresql user" read PASSWORD echo "Please enter Database Name for gnowsys-pg database" read DBNAME echo "Please enter the ip of your postgresql database" echo "Type localhost if you are in doubt" read IP expect -c " spawn createuser -s $UNAME -P expect { "Enter*:" { send \"$PASSWORD\r\"; exp_continue } Enter it again: { send \"$PASSWORD\r\"; exp_continue } } echo "Please wait ..." exit " /opt/Plone-2.5.2/Python-2.4.5/bin/python /tmp/gnowsys-pg/ -g $DBNAME $IP $UNAME $PASSWORD touch /tmp/gnowsyspgadmin.txt touch /tmp/DB_connectionString.txt echo "The username of the Postgresql user is $UNAME" >> /tmp/gnowsyspgadmin.txt echo "The Password of the Postgresql user is $PASSWORD" >> /tmp/gnowsyspgadmin.txt echo "The Database Name for gnowsys-pg database is $DBNAME" >> /tmp/gnowsyspgadmin.txt echo "The ip of your postgresql database server is $IP" >> /tmp/gnowsyspgadmin.txt echo "dbname=$DBNAME:user=$UNAME:password=$PASSWORD:host=$IP:port=5432" > /tmp/DB_connectionString.txt