Command reference¶
Please remember that this documentation is not self contained. You should in particular refer to the user documentation to have a more extensive description of the structures algorithms and concepts used.
The expected type of each function argument is indicated in this reference. Here is a list of these types:
int | integer value |
hobj | a handle for any GetFEM object |
scalar | scalar value |
string | string |
ivec | vector of integer values |
vec | vector |
imat | matrix of integer values |
mat | matrix |
spmat | sparse matrix (both matlab native sparse matrices, and GetFEM sparse matrices) |
precond | GetFEM preconditioner object |
mesh mesh | object descriptor (or gfMesh object) |
mesh_fem | mesh fem object descriptor (or gfMeshFem object) |
mesh_im | mesh im object descriptor (or gfMeshIm object) |
mesh_im_data | mesh im data object descriptor (or gfMeshImData object) |
mesh_slice | mesh slice object descriptor (or gfSlice object) |
cvstruct | convex structure descriptor (or gfCvStruct object) |
geotrans | geometric transformation descriptor (or gfGeoTrans object) |
fem | fem descriptor (or gfFem object) |
eltm | elementary matrix descriptor (or gfEltm object) |
integ | integration method descriptor (or gfInteg object) |
model | model descriptor (or gfModel object) |
global_function | global function descriptor |
mesher_object | mesher object descriptor |
cont_struct | continuation-structure descriptor |
Arguments listed between square brackets are optional. Lists between braces indicate that the argument must match one of the elements of the list. For example:
>> [X,Y]=dummy(int i, 'foo' | 'bar' [,vec v])
means that the dummy function takes two or three arguments, its first being an integer value, the second a string which is either ‘foo’ or ‘bar’, and a third optional argument. It returns two values (with the usual matlab meaning, i.e. the caller can always choose to ignore them).
- gf_asm
- gf_compute
- gf_cont_struct
- gf_cont_struct_get
- gf_cvstruct_get
- gf_delete
- gf_eltm
- gf_fem
- gf_fem_get
- gf_geotrans
- gf_geotrans_get
- gf_global_function
- gf_global_function_get
- gf_integ
- gf_integ_get
- gf_levelset
- gf_levelset_get
- gf_levelset_set
- gf_linsolve
- gf_mesh
- gf_mesh_get
- gf_mesh_set
- gf_mesh_fem
- gf_mesh_fem_get
- gf_mesh_fem_set
- gf_mesh_im
- gf_mesh_im_get
- gf_mesh_im_set
- gf_mesh_im_data
- gf_mesh_im_data_get
- gf_mesh_im_data_set
- gf_mesh_levelset
- gf_mesh_levelset_get
- gf_mesh_levelset_set
- gf_mesher_object
- gf_mesher_object_get
- gf_model
- gf_model_get
- gf_model_set
- gf_poly
- gf_precond
- gf_precond_get
- gf_slice
- gf_slice_get
- gf_slice_set
- gf_spmat
- gf_spmat_get
- gf_spmat_set
- gf_util
- gf_workspace